Thursday, 2 January 2020


The palm (volar) which is the central region of the anterior part of the hand, located superficially to the metacarpus. The skin in this area contains dermal papillae to increase friction, such as are also present on the fingers and used for finger prints (Lidwell, 2012).
The opisthenar area (dorsal) is the corresponding to the bases of the metacarpal bones, located in the proximal part of the palm. It is the area that sustains most pressure when using the palm of the hand for support, such as in hand stand (Torben, 2011).
There are five digits attached to the hand. The four fingers can be folded over the palm which allows the grasping of objects. Each finger, starting with the one closest to the thumb; has a colloquial name to distinguish it from the others:
                    i.                        The index finger , pointer finger, fore finger or second digit
                  ii.                        The middle finger or long finger or third digit
                iii.                        The little finger, pinky finger, small finger or fifth digit (Stuart et al., 2010).
The thumb (connected to the first metacarpal bone and trapezium) is located on one of the sides, parallel to the arm. A reliable way of identifying human hands is from the presence of opposable thumbs. Opposable thumbs are identified by the ability to be brought opposite to the fingers, a muscle action known as opposition (Hardy et al., 2011).
The skeleton of the human hand consists of 27 bones: the eight short carpal bones of the wrist are organized into a proximal row (scaphoid, umate, triquetral and pisiform) which articulates with the bones of the forearm, a distal row (trapezium, traphoid, capitate and hamate), which articulate with the hand. The bases of the five metacarpal bones of the hand. The heads of the metacarpals will each in turn articulate with the bases of the proximal phalanx of the fingers and the metacarpophalangeal joints known as the knuckles. The fourteen phalanges make up the fingers and thumb, and are numbered I-V (thumb to little finger) when the hand is viewed from an anatomical position (palm up). The four fingers each consist of three phalanx bones: proximal, middle, and distal phalanx.
Together with the phalanges of the fingers and thumb these metacarpal bones from five rays or poly- articulated chains.
There are numerous sesamoid bones in the hand, small ossified nodes embedded in tendons; the exact number varies between people, whereas a pair of sesamoid bones is found at virtually all thumb metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb and at the metacarpophalangeal joints, sesamoid bones are also common at the interphalangeal joint of the thumb and the index finger. In rare cases, sesamoid bones have been found in all the metacarpophalangeal joints and all distal interphalangeal joints except that of the long finger.
The articulations are:
                    i.                        Interphalangeal articulations of hand (the hinge joints between the bones of the digits)
                  ii.                        Metacarpophalangeal joints (where the digits meet the palm)
                iii.                        Intercarpal articulations (where the palm meets the wrist)
                iv.                        Wrist (may also be viewed as belonging to the forearm) (Lidwell, 2012).
Microorganisms are very ubiquitous; they are present on the floor, body, air, toilet etc. Bacteria being one of the microorganisms around us are among the oldest living things on earth. Bacteria have been around for about 4 billion years. This means that the bacteria were the dominating life form on earth for about 3.5 billion years (Popoola, 2011).
Bacteria exist primarily as a single cell. They are characterized by having a cell wall outside the cell membrane. The wall provides shape and rigidity to the cells. Depending on the cell wall structure, bacteria are classified as Gram negative and Gram positive. The cell wall of a Gram positive cell consists of many polymer layers of peptidoglycan connected by amino acid bridges. Approximately 90% of Gram positive cell is composed of peptidoglycan. Gram negative bacteria have a much thinner cell wall which is composed of only 20% peptidoglycan (Lidwell, 2012).
Many scientists still believe that bacteria are still the dominant life form. It is estimated that kg by kg, there are more bacteria on the earth than all other life forms combined. This includes trees and plants, animals and humans, insects and fishes (Torben, 2010).
There are bacteria all over the earth i.e on the land, in the air, in water, in the soil and deep underground. There are also bacteria on every living human being, both on the skin and in the guts. In short, life on earth is embedded in bacterial life (Torben, 2010).
There are bacteria around that make us sick. These diseases include cholera, gonorrhoea, leprosy, pneumonia, syphilis, tuberculosis, typhoid fever and whooping cough. The bacteria enter a human being’s body through its natural openings such as the nose or mouth, or through breaks in the skin. In addition, air, food and water carry water carry bacteria from one person to another (Torben, 2010).
The reservoir of any organism, which may be animate or inanimate objects, in the epidemiology of any bacterial disease is very important (Daniel et al., 2012). The pathogens live and or multiply in the reservoir on which their survival depends. Pathogens live on fomites. Many epidemiological studies have confirmed that many contaminated surfaces played a major role in the spread of infectious diseases (Hendley et al., 2012; Noble, 2013). The human surface tissue (skin) is constantly in contact with the environmental microorganisms and become readily colonized by certain microbial species. The adult human is covered with approximately 2m2 of skin, with surface area supporting about 1012 bacteria (Mackowiak, 2012). The normal microbiota of the skin include among others; coagulase negative Staphylococci, Diphtheroids, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococci (various species), Bacillus spp., Mallassesia furfur and Candida spp. Others include Mycobacterim spp. (Occasionally), Pseudomonads and, Enterobacteriaceae (occasionally) (Roth and Jenner, 2010). The normal Microbiota is harmless and may be beneficial in their normal location in the hostin the absence of coincident abnormalities. They can produce disease condition if introduced into foreign locations or compromised host (Ekrakene and Igeleke, 2012).

Contamination of environmental objects and surfaces is a common phenomenon. The presence of viable pathogenic bacteria on inanimate objects has been reported by earlier investigators. Several studies of the human environment have demonstrated colonization and contamination of objects such as door handles, faucets, phone, money, fabrics and plastics (Bures et al., 2011; Michael et al., 2011; Despina et al., 2014; Famurewa& David, 2015). People come into daily contact with all sorts of fomites, with an increasing rate of bacterial infection (Eguia& Chambers, 2012). Human beings have a marked tendency to pick up microorganisms from environmental objects and the hand has been shown to play a role in the transmission of organisms has been reported as a potential vehicle for their transmission (Neely &Maley, 2010; Gerba, 2010; Famurewa & David, 2012; Fatma et al; 2010, Fraser & Girling, 2012; Gholamreza et al., 2012). Furthermore, microorganisms found to contaminate fomites have also been shown to persist on environmental surfaces for varying periods of time ranging from hours to months and it has also been illustrated that they can still be detected and recovered from surfaces after routine conventional cleaning ( French et al., 2011). In addition, cross infection of microorganisms between environmental surfaces and a host has equally been established (Hardy et al., 2012). The ability of plastics and other inanimate objects to support viable microorganisms for a prolonged period of time is well documented (Staurt et al., 2010) and such environmental surfaces and objects, especially those in close proximity with persons frequently touched, pose a threat to human health and are a cause for concern. One such inanimate object in the environment that is currently in frequent contact with the hands is the interface of a computer system.
Several investigations have assessed the degree of microbial contamination and the types of contaminating organisms on palms (Schultz et al., 2012; Issmat et al., 2013 Anderson & Palombo, 2013). Some authors have demonstrated such contamination on the computer keyboard and mouse (Steffen et al., 2012). Concern has been raised that contact with contaminated computer keyboards might serve as a mechanism for contaminating the palms with potential pathogens, leading to cross-contamination of users (Steffen et al., 2010; Anderson & Palombo 2011). One study conducted in a hospital established the fact that the colonization rate of computer user interfaces was greater than that of other fomites tested in the hospital (Schultz et al., 2013).
Accordingly, these may be additional reservoirs for the transmission of microorganisms and become vehicles for cross contamination. While the contamination of hand has thus been established, most of the above studies were single-centred, having a narrow perspective as they either focus on hospital and health care facilities or were specific to the isolation of a particular microorganism, species or strain or specific to only one type of interface. In view of these findings, the growth and detection of opportunistic pathogens on hand shakers, survival of bacteria on surfaces and a low rate of compliance with good hygiene practice, it is imperative to examine the extent of bacterial contamination on palms shakes by different people under everyday conditions and in various types of institution or organization and to investigate probable sources of high contamination rates (Schultz et al., 2012).
Palms are the highways to the transmission and spread of bacteria, pathogens, and viruses that cause diseases, food-borne illness, and infections resulting from hospital treatment (nosocomial). Infectious germs on the palms are the most common ways that people spread infection. This is caused by rubbing their nose or eyes with their fingers or palms, which have been contaminated with the cold virus and other bacteria.
Numerous studies support the finding that hand washing reduces both the carriage of pathogens on the palms and nosocomial infections (Steere & Mallison, 2012; Cooper et al., 2013; Rother, 2014). However, several studies have found that hand washing is poorly practiced outside the healthcare profession, indicating a need in the community (CDC, 2010).
According to the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) (2010), hand washing is the simplest, most effective measure for preventing the spread of bacteria, pathogens, and viruses. Each with this knowledge, many Americans do not wash their hands. Recent studies by the American Society for Microbiology (2013) indicate that only 67% of Americans wash their hands after going to the bathroom, 78% after changing diaper 77% before handling or eating food. Forty five per cent of Americans report that they do not wash up after petting an animal, 31% after coughing or sneezing, and 20% after handling money.
Hand washing guidelines set by regulatory agencies for hospitals, food preparation, pre-schools, and day cares have been in place for two decades. However regulation alone has not successfully changed hand washing behaviours. Several investigative studies have concluded that adhere to recommended hand hygiene procedures of healthcare organizations has been unacceptably poor (Pittet, 2010; WHO, 2012). Others studies have determined that the factors affecting adherence to proper procedures is rooted in individuals behaviour, that hand cleansing patterns are most likely established in the first 10 years of life , and that an individual’s religious and cultural background influences their perceptions about hand washing (WHO, 2012).
Most cold and flu viruses are spread because people touch surfaces in their immediate area and then touch their faces, and other people. The likelihood for illness to transfer from the habit that people do every day like handshaking is important (Jawetz et al., 2013).
The transient microorganisms are organisms that are found on and within the epidermal layer of the skin as well as other areas of the body where they do not normally reside. Almost all disease- producing organisms belong to this category. They are organism that may take advantage of some disturbance in the normal resident micro flora to gain a foothold and cause infections and symptoms of disease or illness. Transient microorganisms (bacteria, yeast, molds, viruses and parasites) can be any type from any source with which the body has had a contact and are found on the palms or hands, fingertips and under finger nails. An example of such organisms is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The transient flora consists of non-pathogenic or potentially pathogenic micro organism that inhibits the skin or mucous membranes for hours, days or weeks. It is derived from the environment; it does not produce disease and does not establish itself permanently on the surface. Members of the transient flora are generally of little significance so long as the normal resident flora is disturbed. Transient microorganisms may colonize, proliferate and produce disease (Jawetz et al., 2014). Beside bacteria, the skin is also the home to yeast (candida) and fungi. The proportions of microbes vary over the body’s skin due to differences in pH, oxygen, water and secretions (Jawetz et al., 2014).
Health care associated infections are an important cause of morbidity rate which measures the number of individuals that become ill due to a specific time interval. It is am incidence rate and reflects the number of new cases in the general population. Each year, more than 2 million patients acquire health care associated infection resulting in 90,000 deaths (CDC, 2012).
Studies have suggested that hand shaking may contribute to cross contamination because of the acquisition of transient hand carriage by individuals during contact with the contaminated surfaces.
The palms have become reservoirs for pathogens because of the increase in hand shaking. In similar study carried out by Anderson and Palombo (2009) who revealed the contamination of palms by microorganisms. He revealed that the bacteria that were detected on palms were similar to those from the toilets which are well known causes of human illness.
Wilson (2012) also showed that some palms may harbor more harmful bacteria than a toilet seat and serve as carriers of infections agents as he said poor personal hygiene and uncleanliness could also be the cause.
This project work was undertaken to ascertain the microbiological assessment of different palms of students in University of Ilorin metropolis. The bacteria and the fungi isolated were reported, the occurrence of the bacterial isolates as well as the fungi were determined and reported. This finding reveals why hand washing should not be taken for granted. 

To download the complete project go here

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