Tuesday, 25 September 2018



From the period of independence (1st of October 1960) to 1970s, the Nigerian economy was dominated by agricultural commodity exports. The immediate post independent Nigeria heavily depended on export of agricultural commodities for her foreign exchange earnings. By 1960 precisely, share of agriculture to total export accounted for virtually 90% Agricultural exports particularly cocoa and rubber (Onayemi and Akintoye, 2009; Central Bank of Nigeria, 2010; and Eleje, 2013).   According to Ogunkola, Bankole and Adewuyi (2006) and Okoh (2004), the situation later changed in the mid-1970s, crude oil now constitutes 96% of total exports as against 4% for non-oil exports in Nigeria (a negative trend). The performance of the non-oil sector has little significance influence in the economy as a whole and the policies aimed at reversing the trend have been to expand Agricultural exports in a bid to diversify the nation’s export base. Okoh (2004)
Agriculture contributes to employment, food production, Foreign exchange earnings and industrial inputs. In 2001, agriculture was about 41 per cent of GDP. Some 60 per cent of the workforce is employed in agriculture, predominantly smallholders (CBN, 2002). Nigeria has a total land area of 98.3 million hectares, of which only 71.2 million hectares are cultivable. Only 34.2 million hectares (about 48 per cent of the cultivable area) are actually being cultivated, and less than 1 per cent of the arable land is irrigated (FMARD, 2001). The modest growth between 5.5 per cent and 7.5 per cent in the agricultural sector over the period 1999–2005 has been traced to the favourable weather conditions, while servicesand commerce expanded following improvements in the purchasing power of consumer.
One of the ways of boosting exports is making finance available to the export sector. This can be done through provision of enough and cheap credits to the sector (Phillips 1991).  Nwagu (2009), observes that it is not enough to remain in one place blaming and waiting for government for everything; instead you need to plan your life within the available resources. Checking out to her countries cannot bring you the comfort you desire in life. Think of becoming your own boss and tap on the opportunities provided by this non-oil export crusade. While you are busy waiting for your share of the oil resources a lot of Nigerians are smiling their way to their banks with proceeds from exports of agricultural products such as cocoa, cashew, fried snail, garri, gallstones, ginger, dried vegetable, cassava chips/leaves/roots, bones, sesame seeds, pepper, honey, charcoal, spices etc. The unceasing of Agricultural products and its exportation played a significant role in enticing  foreign exchange in boosting economic activities from independence to the early 1970s. Banks are important subset under financial institutions that can provide finance to the farmers which would subsequently facilitate the exportation of agricultural products in Nigeria. Banks are internationally recognized financiers and guarantees payment to exporters.
Nigeria, over the years has engaged herself in export trade. This is not only very pertinent in foreign exchange earnings, but also in its significant contribution to economic growth and development. In some country (countries not endowed with crude oil as Nigeria), Agriculture have been found to perform as the engine of growth especially through high productivity exports, a nation can take advantage of international division of labour and acquire desired goods and services from abroad at considerable savings in term of inputs productivity resources, thereby helping to increase the efficiency of export industry.
Today, the country is far behind the New World major producers of agricultural products (especially cocoa and crop) such as Cote‘d’Ivoire, Ghana and Indonesia. One of the most dramatic events in Nigeria over the past decade was the devaluation of the Nigerian Naira with the adoption of a Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) in 1986. A cardinal objective of the SAP was the restructuring of the production base of the economy with a positive bias for the production of agricultural items for exports. The foreign exchange reforms that facilitated a cumulative depreciation of the effective exchange rate were expected to increase the domestic prices of agricultural exports and therefore boost domestic production (Adubi and Okunmadewa 1999).
The major agricultural export commodities in Nigeria include cocoa, coffee, cotton, groundnut, groundnut oil, palm kernel, soya beans, ginger rubber, and chili pepper (CBN, 2003). There are other commodities that are being demanded for in the world market such as cassava and cassava products, banana, plantain and so on. The Nigerian economy until today is still dependent on primary products both as foreign exchange earner and as major component of its gross domestic product (GDP).
With the high rate of loan default that characterized developing countries, Commercial banks seldom approve loans to farmers and often times do so at higher interest rates with other stringent conditions such as the provision of collateral (Basseyet al., 2014a). Credit is the trust which allows one party to provide money or resources to another party where the second party does not reimburse the first party immediately (thereby generating a debt), but instead promises either to repay those resources (or other materials of equal value) at a later date. The resources provided may be financial (e.g. granting a loan), or they may consist of goods or services (e.g. consumer credit). Credit is considered as a catalyst that activates other factors of production and makes under-used capacities functional for increased production, Ijere (2013). Thus farm credit plays a crucial role in agricultural and rural development as it enables farmers reap economies of scale, venture into new fields of production, employ new technologies and empower them to provide utilities for a widening market.
Bank credit is the aggregate amount of credit available to a person or business from a banking institution. It is the total amount of funds financial institutions provide to an individual or business. A business or individual’s credit depends on the borrower’s ability to repay and total amount of credit available in the banking institution. CBN (1992) sees bank credit as money lent out by banks as loans and advances with a future date of repayment.
Agricultural credit is defined as any loan or other extension of credit that a bank provides for agricultural or other rural use. Most agricultural credits  finances  farmers or ranchers as they plant crops, buy equipment, harvest, or do any other things necessary for operations but from which profits will not be realized for quite some time. The term of agricultural credit depends on how expensive the product or project it intends to finance is. Agricultural credit enhances productivity and promotes standard of living by breaking vicious cycle of poverty of small scale farmers. Adegeye and Ditto (2005) described agricultural credit as the process of obtaining control and palliative measures to assist rural farmers in enhancing productivity. Some of these schemes include the agricultural credit guarantee scheme established in 1977, the agricultural credit support scheme, Commercial agriculture credit Scheme and the licensing of Micro Finance Banks.
Unfortunately, credits are not easily available for most of the farmers because of collateral and other things that are usually required by the commercial banks and other credit institutions. This makes difficult for large scale agricultural investment in Nigeria. Ogunfowora (2003) reported that credit is not only needed for farming purposes, but also for family and consumption expenses; especially during the off season period.
It is important to note that not all banks focus on agricultural finance. Agricultural banks require a specialist skill which may not be the core competency of some banks and financial institutions. In addition, agriculture is perceived to be a high risk sector especially with Nigeria agriculture dominated by smallholder farmer who quite often are not in a position to offer traditional securities. Lack of useable collateral, together with production climate and price risk in agricultural finance failing outside of the traditional balance sheet lending approach.
With the recent move by the leading country of the world to diversify their economy, Nigeria is conscious of the danger signal this portray and this underscores the need to move away from total reliance on petroleum related revenues. These signals according to Soludo (2009) include the on-going global economic crisis that is threatening the growth and development agenda of the present administration, the crisis in the Niger delta which has interrupted petroleum operations in the past few years, and the frightening revelation that the United States of America, the highest buyer of Nigeria crude oil, Brazil and several other countries are seriously engaged in research for an alternative source of energy.
In conclusion, there is need for the Farmers in Nigeria to engage in agricultural training that will enable them to be actively involved in the modern way of agricultural production.  Alabi and Chime (2008) have attributed the present economic problem in Nigeria to the poor performance of the agricultural sector. One of the sectors expected to act as a catalyst towards the realization of this goal is agriculture. At present Nigeria has lost its role as one of the world’s leading exporters of agricultural commodities. In addition, the country is currently suffering from a declining as well as fluctuating income from its heavy dependence on oil exports. With the present situation in the oil market, it has become necessary for the country to reconsider its agricultural commodity export position. Therefore, this study is intended to assess the bank financing of non-oil exports in Nigeria. Bank financing exports in agricultural products in particular is capable of boosting non-oil export sector which brings economic growth.
With the fall in the global price of crude and the naira’s poor performance against dollar, policymakers and private sectors have begun to diversify towards non-oil exports.  The non-oil export sector is faced with a lot of problems for example the problem of agricultural exports and indeed the entire non-oil sector has been made more complicated with influx of importers, customs agents and all manner of businessmen seeking to raise foreign exchange or generate income through exports.
According to Ijaiya (2003), commercial banks credit to agricultural exports sector has been very low. Also, high cost of finance does not allow non-oil exporting industries to modernize outdated plants and machineries in Nigeria, which results in poor quality goods of non-oil exports (Odularu, 2008).
 Access to banks financial services for agricultural exporters is one of the major problems stifling the growth of the sector in Nigeria, because of high interest rates and little disbursement in terms of the volume of credit (Ijaiya, 2003; Theodore, 2004;  Sanusi, 2010a, 2010b).
There is also the problem of increased cost arising from exchange rates fluctuations which has been identified by (Elumelu, 2002). The agricultural exports sector has been declining due to poor access to credit facilities at pre-shipment and post shipment stages as opposed to what is happening in other countries of the world (Azzam, 2000).
 Commercial banks in Nigeria were unwilling to grant credits to small scale Farmers because of the high rate of default associated mostly with loan repayment and lack of Collateral Security often demanded by banks during lead agreement (Kehinde 2012).
 According to Okojie (2010), the lack of bank accounts, collateral, and  information regarding the procedure for accessing credits from banks limit  peasant farmers and rural women‘s access to credit from formal institutions.  
The financial sector is expected to make significant contribution to Agricultural exports in Nigeria. This study is set to review the role of financial sector in the promotion of Agricultural exports. It becomes important to carry out a research on this area of study so as to suggest ways of combating the perceived problems of Farmers and to identify how the financial sector has been of help to Agricultural exports. Also it sets out to proffer solutions to the problems being faced by the sector.
The relevance of this study will be useful to the Government and to the policy maker for policy making and implementation in Nigeria.  Also, understanding the role of banking sector on agricultural exports on how the banking sector will make more immense concern on the promotion of Agricultural exports in Nigeria. Monetary authorities (Central Bank of Nigeria and the regulatory bodies under the CBN) also serves as the regulator which is charged with the responsibility of regulating and monitoring how the banking sector and other schemes will help in promoting Agricultural exports in Nigeria. This study will be serving as a background for those intending to carry out further research work in related topics. The interest of this study is to examine whether the provision of credit facilities and granting of loans and advances by the banks will have impact on the agricultural exports in Nigeria.

Based on the identified problems, the following objectives are formulated for the study;
  1. To examine the contribution of banking sector to the promotion of Agricultural exports in Nigeria.
  2. To determine the impact of exchange rate on the Agricultural exports in Nigeria.
  3. To determine the impact of interest rate on Agricultural exports in Nigeria.
Based on the research objectives, the following Question are raised by the research:
  1. In what ways have the banking sector contributed to the promotion of Agricultural exports?
  2. What is the effect of increased cost arising from exchange rate fluctuation on Agricultural exports?
  3. What is the effect of interest rate on loans given to promote agricultural export?
Based on the research Questions, the following are the hypotheses are formulated by the research:
HO1: The banking sector has no significant impact in the promotion of Agricultural exports           in Nigeria.
HO2: Exchange rate does not have significant impact on Agricultural exports in Nigeria.
HO3: Interest rate on Bank credit does not have significant impact on Agricultural exports in        Nigeria.

This study provides an insight in the role of banking sector in the promotion of Agricultural exports in Nigeria for the periods of 2005-2015.This period covers the period when the naira was overvalued to the present period where it has been devalued.Data is got from various sources including; Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin, National Bureau of Statistics, journals and articles.
AGRICULTURE - This is the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants and fungi for food, fibre, biofuel, medicinal plants and other products used to sustain and enhance life.
AGRICULTURAL EXPORTS - this is the process of trading agricultural products from one country to another. For example in Nigeria, cocoa, rubber, groundnut, cassava etc. are being exported in order to facilitate international trade and strengthen the value of Naira against dollar.
CREDITS - Credit is the trust which allows one party to provide money or resources to another party where the second party does not reimburse the first party immediately (thereby generating a debt), but instead promises either to repay those resources (or other materials of equal value) at a later date.
BANK CREDITS - Bank credit is the aggregate amount of credit available to a person or business from a banking institution. It is the total amount of funds financial institutions provide to an individual or business. A business or individual’s credit depends on the borrower’s ability to repay and total amount of credit available in the banking institution.
AGRICULLTURAL CREDITS - Agricultural credit is defined as any loan or other extension of credit that a bank provides for agricultural or other rural use. Most agricultural credits  finances  farmers or ranchers as they plant crops, buy equipment, harvest, or do any other things necessary for operations but from which profits will not be realized for quite some time.
EXPORT PROMOTION- Banking involve in some export promotional activities such as sponsoring, organising and participating in seminars, workshops, trade exhibitions. In the process of getting involved in the above mentioned, they expose the public to their export and will help stem the flow of crop export.
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION - financial institution is a company engaged in the business of dealing with monetary transactions, such as deposits, loans and advances, investments and currency exchange. Financial institution is categorised into four (4). These are
a.       The banking sector
b.      The insurance companies
c.       Trust companies and;
d.      Capital market.
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